
Most would agree it’s impossible to construct a fulfilling list of works that will truly satisfy a given field or topic; yet, below is a list of topics that anyone interested should be acquainted with the contents listed. I hope to expand this in the future into a structured, topic-based, evolving bibliography – until then a small heuristic will suffice.

Political Methodology


download1  Image result for statistical modeling and inference for social science

R Analysis


Image result for R for political science book                          Image result for R for political science book pollok

Political Behavior



31p-gg5gbBL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_ Image result for controversies in voting behavior

Political Psychology



41vtEoQ94zL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_                   Image result for political psychology bookImage result for oxford handbook political psychology

Political Institutions


Image result for Mayhew Congress                        Image result for American courts baum


Other/ Issue Related


Image result for we are better than this book                             Image result for beyond smoke and mirrors