Super Tuesday: The Gist.

Miss the alleged “Super Tuesday?”  Well here is the gist:

Donald Trump continued to win, if you want to see why or who to blame for his continued victories I’ve wrote about that topic elsewhere.

As for the democratic battleground between Sanders and Clinton, Bernie Sanders did surprisingly well. Polls before Super Tuesday ended up, on more cases than one, being wrong.

Here are the Google Super Tuesday results for the Democratic Party as of 12am 3/2/2016:


According to these updated delegate count here is the total for both candidates moving forward:


Note here that these Google results are slightly misleading. Superdelegates can still change their votes at anytime. In any case, it’s still a close race due to the states Bernie won:

US Map Bernie Clinton

Needless to say, there are still may states to come. Looking towards the future Clinton can expect more of a struggle as she runs out of states with large minority populations and more projected youth voter turnout which has been pro-Bernie to surprising accuracy.

As we have seen with Super Tuesday the polls are not always reliable as political strategists try and predict the results of the race between Bernie and Hillary. For example, in June, California will be a winner-takes-all primary for 172 delegates. We should look towards a multi-variate analysis of the states in the future as apposed to solely relying on polling data.

Overall, there is much to look forward to as a Bernie supporter, Bernie was able to beat the polls and win some key states in 2016’s “Super Tuesday.”

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